If you would like to share your email to KDHX please email it to bookemonsterslpl@gmail.com and let me know if you want your name attached. Also the date you sent it.
Sent April 4, 2023
As some of you may or may not be aware, the
backlash in the wake of the debacles of 2019 and the eventual termination of
Tom "Papa'Ray is growing exponentially. I am quite sure that you will find
this reflected in the pathetically low number of pledges during the recent fund
drive, and subsequent loss of revenue. We the community are angry.
1. We are angry about the termination of a
beloved volunteer member and on air personality.
2. We are angry that community is no longer
a factor at the station.
3. We are angry at the lack of
representation by KDHX throughout the community, particularly during the Music
at the Intersection event recently. Not only was KDHX not present at an event
happening literally nextdoor, but the KDHX sign was extinguished for the
duration of the event.
4 . We are angry that there are only eight
members sitting on a Board of Directors when a board of fifteen is called for
in the bylaws, and that the eight existing members are a thoroughly homogenous
group that is hardly representative of the demographics of the community.
5. We are angry that we the donors from the
community are now only considered donor listeners, and not donor members,
thereby removing our voices from the station.
6. We are angry that there is a distinct
lack of accountability from station management, and from Kelly Wells in
7. We are angry that none of the concerns
expressed by attending donor listeners present at the last Zoom meeting of the
Board were addressed in any manner, but rather that the meeting was immediately
adjourned following the last speaker.
8. We are angry that over a quarter of a
million dollars were spent on outside consultants, and yet there has been no
disclosure of what the consultation was about.
9. We are angry that no volunteers are
being accepted at the station in any capacity.
10. We are angry that the Folk School now
exists solely as an entity on Facebook, and we want to know where the funds are
going that are dedicated for the Folk school.
11. We are angry that KDHX had payroll
expenditures of $586,000.00 when there are only eight employees listed on the
12. We are angry that Kelly Wells remains
as Executive DIrector for KDHX despite her obfuscation and divisiveness within
the station.
13. We are angry that it is deemed as a
conflict of interest for on air personalities to serve on the Board of
Directors, and yet Kelly Wells is allowed to act as an on air personality, and
serve as Executive Director, without there being any considerations of the same
conflict of interest.
I send you this letter to give you notice
that the Community upon which you so heavily depend has had enough of the
situation, and that we demand change in the status quo. We truly love our
Community radio station, and refuse to see it be brought down by a self serving
and inept management structure. It would behoove you to take heed of these concerns,
as your Executive Director is rapidly bringing the station down around your
ears. Please restore this station to its prior greatness, as it has been a
highly valued asset to the City of St. Louis, and the Community at large.
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