Monday, March 27, 2023


KDHX under Kelly Wells has spent over $250,000 in the last two years alone on consultants.  Mostly Gladiator, but plenty of others.  

Consultants, of course, are like those old royal courtiers.  They have to say precisely what the queen wants to hear, but make it sound like they are giving her advice. (Also, a group of courtiers and a group of consultants are both called a "clusterfuck".  Historical fact.)

A burning question since Tom Ray's dismissal has been "who came up with the term 'operationalize these commitments'" because once found, that person will never be hired anywhere.  (Not even by the city leaders that determined that the answer to all of the ills of St. Louis were "talented young professionals with an entrepreneurial spirit." Which further proved those city leaders did not actually know what any of those words meant.)

"In 2020, KDHX committed to transforming this organization. The transformation was cocreated with our partners —- listeners, donors, staff, and volunteers. Through this process, we collectively developed a new purpose statement, a set of organizational values, and a strategic plan to guide our work and operationalize our commitments. In implementing this strategic plan and living into our values, KDHX has made a number of organizational changes, including the separation from Tom Ray. This decision was not made lightly, nor was it the comfortable or easy choice for anyone. The process of making the decision and the actions we took were aligned with the values and actions our community helped create in 2020."

I added the bold.  The quote is from the Riverfront Times article

When you give to KDHX, you give to Gladiator and other consultants. Operating costs and salaries are mostly covered by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting Grant. 

Don't send Kelly Wells your money until she starts making some changes. Please. 

Sunday, March 26, 2023


One thing that Kelly Wells takes credit for is the increase in market share KDHX has garnered (10 years ago they were at about 30 and now they are at 16), and really it belongs to two things:

People have stopped listening to FM radio and instead use satellite or streaming services, or their own mixes. 

But indie and listener supported stations have remained stable.  People don't listen to indie radio for the same reasons, and the people that listen to indie radio are not the average radio listener.

And during Covid listeners increased. 

This has nothing to do with Kelly Wells.

 Survey Says Radio Listening on The Decline - Radio Ink

Saturday, March 25, 2023


January 13, 2016: Riverfront Times, KDHX Problems (Beverly Hacker's firing was really the beginning of the end of KDHX as a community radio station, and it becoming Kelly Wells private domain

July 3, 2019: Saint Louis Public Radio, KDHX Allegations of Discrimination, Mismanagement

July 24, 2019: Riverfront Times, STL Public Radio Employee quits over handling of story about KDHX

July 24, 2019, Riverfront Times, KDHX Discrimination, Lawsuits:

March 1, 2023:  Riverfront Times, Tom Ray Speaks Out

March 25, 2023: Saint Louis Post Dispatch Editorial on Tom Ray

NOT ABOUT KDHX BUT VERY RELEVANT - When community advocates sued for control of Pacifica Radio Network

Thursday, March 16, 2023


 From his wife:


1.   'Thomas Papa-ray, with a bunch of other St. Louis loving, music loving people helped to start KDHX-FM.

2.  He personally took out a loan, and donated thousands to support the station, along with helping to raise tens of thousands of dollars for the station.

3.  He, along with all of his friends, LOVED the station and promoted it everywhere he went.  No self-promotion, just KDHX (whether we were in the U.K., Sierra Nevada World Music Festival, etc. etc.)

4.  For 35 YEARS, he volunteered, and did a killer radio show.

5.  Arbitron ratings (according to KMOX) showed that his radio show was #3 in St. Louis.

6.  Hundreds of people in the last 2 weeks have protested, complained, wrote letters pulled their memberships/donations, and vouched for his character - even when Kelly Wells called him a bully and harasser.

7.  Inducted to the Hall of Fame along with Art Dwyer, Ron Edwards, John McHenry, and Denny Clancy.

8.  Not even allowed at the KDHX meeting last night to defend himself.

Tom's time is over - but it's not for all of the DJs who LOVE their job.  It's time for new management,


Wednesday, March 15, 2023


UPDATE:  **The meeting was little more than a recap of the public letter about Tom's dismissal, alleging he was a "bully" and "harassed and intimidated people".

From McClellan's article 
McClellan: Finding Middle Earth in corporate America (

There were maybe 25 protesters. Ray was among them. He entered the establishment but was ushered out. “I’m not even allowed to defend myself,” he said.

Once inside, the invitees were addressed by Wolf Smith, who uses they/them pronouns, of the Conflict Resolution Center. They, or one of their colleagues, were the “facilitator” at the meeting during which Ray was fired.

According to minutes from the meeting at Parker’s Table — minutes which were not supposed to be released by any participant! — the Conflict Resoluter opened the meeting by asking people to share their expectations. From the minutes: “Wolf acknowledged that we were all bringing different expectations to the meeting and that Wolf would be available throughout the meeting if someone was feeling especially frustrated or felt they weren’t being heard.”


We have heard from many of you since the dismissal of KDHX volunteer Tom Ray. We’ve conversed by phone, email, and in person. We’ve heard from some of you who are frustrated, and we’ve heard from some of you who are not. We have heard loud and clear from those we have talked to that we need to be in community and dialogue with each other as we move forward as partners in serving the mission of KDHX.

We agree that being together in person is important. We invite you to join staff, board members, and fellow volunteers for an in-person volunteer* meeting Wednesday, March 15, from 6:30 pm until 8:00 pm in the event room at Parker’s Table. Parker’s Table is located at 7118 Oakland Ave, Richmond Heights, MO 63117.

Through our conversations with volunteers this week, a few themes have surfaced, and we want to be able to speak to and answer questions about the topics you’ve raised with us. They are:
  1. Tom Ray’s dismissal
  2. Staff/Volunteer Connections
  3. Drive
There will be the opportunity to raise other topics in the meeting as time allows.

We have asked a neutral facilitator from our partner, Conflict Resolution Center, to start our meeting by helping us set mutual expectations for each other and ourselves. The facilitator will not be facilitating the meeting, they will be opening it for us so that we can enter into constructive dialogue with each other.

We recognize that this is short notice and that many of you will not be able to attend. We will provide a summary of the meeting to all volunteers by email and in KDHX Connections on Thursday. If you cannot attend, we are available to you if you have questions or concerns or want to talk about KDHX.
Looking forward to seeing you,

Kelly Wells,
Ronnie Wisdom,
Andrea Dunn,

*This is a meeting for active volunteers only; outside guests will not be permitted.

Friday, March 10, 2023


MY GOD. How can I thank the sort of support and love shown to me in the wake of being dismissed from a radio station where I gave St. Louis the blues for 35 years?? My path to being fired by Kelly Wells & her hand-picked board of directors began because I wished to see a notable long time volunteer given his due by the station. Instead, management barfed up HR babble, and marked me for removal due to having the audacity to question this & her other failures as a well-paid 'leader' of KDHX. But all that my firing did was reveal how this station has changed from its original moorings. The bylaws have been made to allow management to operate with no accountability. What was a model for volunteer non-profit community radio has been largely stripped of volunteer participation and input, beyond the on-air hosts. After some soul-searching, I CANNOT return to the station for one simple existential truth: knowing what I know, I could not in good faith ask anyone to give their money to what KDHX has become. I was humbled by the outpouring of support, but this is far bigger than Tom Ray---THIS IS ABOUT KDHX. What goes on in the dark will soon come to light, & I truly hope judgement comes down harshly on those who betray the trust that was built by those with no other agenda than an independent radio station, an alternative to the commercial airwaves, a voice for the city. No worries about me! I am fine, humbled and grateful to see so many that have my back. Negotiations are going on now that will see me return as The Soul Selector on a major station in Metro St. Louis---in the meantime, as has been said by many---including ex-staff who resigned---KELLY MUST GO. Love And Music, every time!

Thursday, March 9, 2023


Open Letter to the Community

We are writing to you not only as staff members and volunteers of KDHX but also as people who share the KDHX community. This is a community that we have all built together, and it is one that many of us rely on for connection. For many, including ourselves, KDHX serves as a source of joy, a wellspring of creativity, and a shining example of what media can be when free of commercial interests.


We have decided to speak openly about the dismissal, on February 28, of Tom “Papa” Ray from his show The Soul Selector in order to correct any misconceptions as to why it took place. We also feel that if we do not offer a clear account, the behaviors that he has exhibited will continue to be perpetuated by others, as evidenced by reactions from some members of the public since the news of his dismissal.


Tom Ray was removed from his volunteer role at KDHX because of a long history of bullying, aggression and harassment toward certain members of the KDHX staff and even some board members. He was not dismissed over one incident or issue but because of ongoing, problematic behavior. Members of the staff and the Board of Directors can attest to this pattern. He was given many opportunities, including mediated conflict resolution, to demonstrate that he was willing and able to work with KDHX in a constructive way.


We know this description of Tom Ray is probably difficult for some to hear. In the entire history of KDHX, only a handful of volunteers have been asked to leave the air. Given Tom Ray’s long history and his popularity, we did not make this decision lightly and this is not the outcome we had hoped for. However, we can no longer tolerate behavior that negatively affects others at KDHX and the organization itself.


Over the course of KDHX’s history, whenever a “controversial” situation has occurred, we have witnessed extreme and shocking reactions from some of our listeners. Some have been explicitly misogynistic and contain threats of violence, including death threats. In recent years, such responses have been amplified by social media and even local media outlets that are not in full possession of the facts. Unfortunately, we are witnessing this in full force once again this week, which has prompted the disclosure you are reading.


Are the intense reactions to decisions made at KDHX because people feel so strongly about the station? Yes, that is certainly part of it. Over the years, we have had countless conversations with listeners who want to share how much KDHX means to them. They express a deep emotional connection to the station itself and the people they hear on the air. We also recognize that when one has a strong emotional connection, change can spark fear—the fear that the connection you have will be altered, that the things you love and appreciate about KDHX might end.


A fear of change—and disagreement about why or how that change takes place—is entirely  understandable, but it does not warrant abusive and threatening behavior and language toward the KDHX staff, the Board or volunteers. A fear of change most certainly warrants asking questions and offering feedback in a constructive way. We will always answer your questions. You may not always get the answer you want to hear, but we will respond to you.


We know it takes a lot to trust people you don’t know personally, but please know that both the staff and the governing board keep the station’s best interest and the mission at the forefront of all that we do. We are working diligently to ensure that KDHX thrives now and in years to come. We are glad to be a part of a community that values kindness, mutual respect and creative collaboration. And we thank our listeners for their patience, understanding and constructive dialogue so that KDHX can continue to be here for everyone.                          


Kelly Wells, Executive Director

Andrea Dunn, Director of Donor Relations

Ronnie Wisdom, Director of Media Communications

Joan Bray, Board President  

Gary Pierson, Board Vice President

Nelie McNeal, Board Treasurer

Monday, March 6, 2023


KDHX is no longer a community station and does not have Members, only donors ("supporters"), and free labor ("volunteers").  

They don't update the website or the meetings, and the Community Advisory Board has been dismantled but is still listed on their page and in many of their filings, including for grants and funding. (A clear violation that should be addressed.)

The public can view but not speak at the meetings.  

Saturday, March 4, 2023


THIS IS MY FINAL STATEMENT on FB concerning KDHX, & it is done so due to the self-serving bit of defamation by Kelly Wells, accusing me of 'bullying and harrassment' behavior as the reason for my dismissal: "What Kelly Wells calls 'bullying' means disagreeing with her. If 'bullying' means standing up for what I believe in - trying to honor fellow DJs that have passed, insisting KDHX being represented at The Kranzberg's Music at the Intersection, seeing the station as honoring our city's music heritage and scene - then so be it - call me a 'bully'. I am at times blunt, but Know This: I have always considered myself a Feminist. Ask any of the women who ever worked at my store if my behavior was ever bullying or confrontational. Ask public feminists who are my friends, such as Joan Lipkin, Kris Kleindiest, or Annette Bridges---strong smart independent women who have known me for decades. Kelly Wells misrepresented a Zoom meeting to me with her and Joan Bray as a conversation, using it as the opportunity to inform me within 90 seconds of the Zoom YOU HAVE DONE YOUR LAST SHOW AT KDHX. Call that a Mugging By Management. The long time director of a music venue in STL contacted me to say, "I KNOW KELLY WELLS...FOR A LONG TIME I'VE KNOWN SHE IS A SNAKE". This public defamation of my 30+ years of love, loyalty and dedication to KDHX, along with her actions of the past 6 years (at least) is proof positive of her self-serving, authoritarian nature. Shame on you Kelly Wells---the community of KDHX has confirmed what I have just said. The outcry of hundreds of listeners, businesses, fellow DJs, artists, and musicians in the last few days, with so many of them telling me that they have stopped all financial support for KDHX is validation, that they all are in agreement. HOW MANY PEOPLE are defending Kelly Wells?? Her reputation is not an enviable one. Long Live the music, long live the music lovers. All I ever wished to be was a town crier for St. Louis Music". So let the 4 winds blow, and it is gratifying to see listeners and friends not buying her rhetorical slander and BS...