Saturday, March 4, 2023


THIS IS MY FINAL STATEMENT on FB concerning KDHX, & it is done so due to the self-serving bit of defamation by Kelly Wells, accusing me of 'bullying and harrassment' behavior as the reason for my dismissal: "What Kelly Wells calls 'bullying' means disagreeing with her. If 'bullying' means standing up for what I believe in - trying to honor fellow DJs that have passed, insisting KDHX being represented at The Kranzberg's Music at the Intersection, seeing the station as honoring our city's music heritage and scene - then so be it - call me a 'bully'. I am at times blunt, but Know This: I have always considered myself a Feminist. Ask any of the women who ever worked at my store if my behavior was ever bullying or confrontational. Ask public feminists who are my friends, such as Joan Lipkin, Kris Kleindiest, or Annette Bridges---strong smart independent women who have known me for decades. Kelly Wells misrepresented a Zoom meeting to me with her and Joan Bray as a conversation, using it as the opportunity to inform me within 90 seconds of the Zoom YOU HAVE DONE YOUR LAST SHOW AT KDHX. Call that a Mugging By Management. The long time director of a music venue in STL contacted me to say, "I KNOW KELLY WELLS...FOR A LONG TIME I'VE KNOWN SHE IS A SNAKE". This public defamation of my 30+ years of love, loyalty and dedication to KDHX, along with her actions of the past 6 years (at least) is proof positive of her self-serving, authoritarian nature. Shame on you Kelly Wells---the community of KDHX has confirmed what I have just said. The outcry of hundreds of listeners, businesses, fellow DJs, artists, and musicians in the last few days, with so many of them telling me that they have stopped all financial support for KDHX is validation, that they all are in agreement. HOW MANY PEOPLE are defending Kelly Wells?? Her reputation is not an enviable one. Long Live the music, long live the music lovers. All I ever wished to be was a town crier for St. Louis Music". So let the 4 winds blow, and it is gratifying to see listeners and friends not buying her rhetorical slander and BS...

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